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Clik here to view.Web gives us lots of opportunities to earn money online. Today we are taking up blogging as a source to earn money. We will include what all we need to do to become a blogger and how do we earn with blogging. Blogging is definitely not as glamorous as working as a model but it could certainly earn you more than that. There are people who are earning more than $20,000 in a year just by sitting home and doing blogging.
I have been talking about Blogging! Blogging and Blogging what actually blogging is?
According to my terms blogging means using a website or software means to express what you know or whatever you wish to say. For example : WordPress is considered as the best blogging platform and we bloggers use it to express our views in the form of articles of our interest.
The initial step involves setting up a blog. We would suggest you to choose WordPress. Then comes the big point of choosing domain name and hosting. Choose the best available domain name based on niche on which you are going to write stuff. And then look for cheap and best web hosting available to you.
Just now I talked about Niche?
Niche is the main category or your primary domain on which you will be going to write stuff. Niche based blogging is considered very good as you drive your concentration in learning a subject thoroughly then implementing it to your articles.
It is not that you cannot pick more than one topic but the main question is you should be able to write sufficient stuff on whatever niche you wish to choose. For example if you have lots of experience with Google Adwords or Online Marketing you can choose a niche based on that and start adding your views in the form of articles.
How to fetch traffic?
One you are aware of what niche you are going to use to fetch traffic and write content on. You will have to do a quick research on what all things other than content you need to fetch organic traffic. Organic traffic means whenever there is some query on search engines they match it with keywords of your site and are landed on to any of your web pages.
In short you will have to learn about some of the following things:
- Search Engine Optimization.
- Keywords.
- Meta Tags.
- Meta Keywords.
- Site Map.
- Indexing.
- And many more like these.
Some basic things which you will need to study in detail to fetch traffic are:
- Blog Submissions: Once you are ready with your blog you should immediately submit sitemaps to search engines so that your updates are indexed by them.
- Directory Submissions: This might not be very important for few but it definitely send some traffic to your site.
- Commenting: Find blogs similar to your niche and start commenting on them so that you can get into some serious link building and show your existence to other people as well.
- Social Networking: Submit all your blog posts to your social networking profiles . Social networking profiles can act as a very good source to send initial traffic to your site.
Now how to earn money?
There are advertising companies that would put advertisement banners on your website and you will be paid per click or based on impressions.There are lots of advertisers who might get into direct advertising on your site as well.
- Affiliates accounts: You might have to generate sales or referrals for some companies who will in return pay to you.
- Blog Reviews: There are so many people who want to get positive reviews or their products or business they will definitely pay you.
- PPC or PPM: Like Google adsense there are many other publisher accounts available.
- Services: If you know how to design or provide some other web related services you can get the maximum benefit out of it and earn a lot.
The above mentioned schema is a definite hit if you can imply all of the following techniques. Share with us your views on what do you think about earning money as a blogger?